Wetlands are a very important to many species and are breeding grounds for many birds and other animals living in these important ecosystems or biomes.

                                                 Animal life:
There are many animals that count on wetlands, the kind of animals that adapt to the conditions in wetlands are these:
 -fish/shell fish -turtles                       There are also insects these include:
 -snakes           - salamanders                  -drgonfly     -dobsonfly     -backswimmer
 -racoons         -snails                             -damselfly    -caddisfly      -flatworms
 -frogs              -ducks                           -mayfly        -cranefly       -waterfleas
 -alligators        -geese                           -stonefly     -beetles        -mites
Below is a picture of a wetland

                                        Plant life:

   In edition to the animal life there are many plants types that help the animal species thrive, the plants that have the the adaptations to the conditions of the wetlands are called hydrophytes. Here are some examples.


 -grasses                 - cattails

 -reeds                   -sedges                These are just some of the 5000

 -mosses                 -tamarack             species of plants that live in and   

 -evergreen trees     -black spruce       around wetlands!

 -pondlilies               -alge        

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