This section of the website is devoted fully to other intersting "fun facts" that have not been mentioned in the other portions of this website! And 

ways they help us!
                                           Fun Facts:
-Wetlands are belived to cover 7-9 million kilometers of the planet, which is roughly 4-6 precent the earth. And 56% thats more than half is found in tropical or subtropical areas!
-Canda is a home to nearly 25% of the earths wetlands!
-There are over 5000 plants in and around wetlands.
-The average water height is usally quite shallow, the deepest they usally get is 6 meters.
-Since the ponds are so shallow they stay around the same tempatures all through the pond (because the sun can go right to the bottom of the wetland)
this seperates them from rivers and other bodies of water.
-Tend to have undefined banks and beds which also separates wetlands becase lakes and such do.
-Forty-two of Canadas plant and animal species at risk need wetlands to survive.

                                          Ways They Help:

Wetlands are very important to our community, here are many ways they help us out:

-Clean waters and filter pollution

-Produce oxegon

-Control floods by absorbing water and slowing the flow

-Reduce droughts by releasing water

-Provide food for lots of plants and wildlife

-Provides food fofr people too like wild rice and cranberries

-can be nurseries for young baby fish alwell

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