When 26% of endangered plants in North America count on wetlands for thier survival, what will happen when they dry out? The animals and plants depend on the wetlands conditions,will it be the end for them? Read on to find out!

                                           Drying Out:
We are also having troubles with wetlands drying out, due to global warming there is often droughts, some areas are getting flooded and others are getting no moisture to keep up important wetlands like bogs, marshes, fens, swamps and salt water marshes are all wetlands. Though it is natural for wetlands to dry out after the course of a year and then come back they are begining to dry out unnaturaly.
                                         This is a example of a dried out wetland. (Beside).
                                        Pesky Animals:
Another problem there is in wetlands are the animals, rabbits hares and possums often eat the plants in the wetland, which can be disruptive to the wetlands. This next part may seem harmless just another part of the foodchain but causes problems all the same. Possums, hedgehogs, stoats, weasles, ferrets, ferals, cats and rats are eating bird eggs and some even eat the chicks and adult birds they also eat bats, insects and lizards.

                                       Pesky Plants:

Its not only pesky animals that are causing troubles in wetland it is plants as well. People transport plants from different contries to other foreign country a good example is when they brought the Puprple Loosestrife from Europe to Canadas native wetlands and they infested the land and is suffocating the land.


As with everything construction also plays a role in the termanation of these valued wetlands. Along with other biomes such as forsest biomes the land is cleared to build houses and other obstructive buildings. Did you know that 90% of the wetlands in calafornia have been dried up and replaced with buildings. And around 14% of Canda is made up of wetlands which is a good thing because many endangered animals and plants count on wetlands to survive as was written above!

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