Wetlands are one of the only biomes that do not have a characteristac climate. Wetlands exist in Polar zones, Temprate zones and Tropical zones  but most wetlands have moist humid conditions . Something there very sensitive about though is change in climate like a drought or flood.

                                            Polar Zones:
The wetlands are split into 3 different climate zones and as you might have guessed polar zone is the coldest out of the three different climate zones. The tempatures can get as cold as -51 c which is -60 f. Comparing that to the winters we get in edmonton it is very cold, we get around -30 c so it is practicly unbearable!
                                          Tropic Zones:
On the other end of the scale we have tropic zones there tempature is much higher than the polar zones the tempature can get as high as 50 c which is
122 f which is much higher than the polar and temprate zones. This is because the location of these types of wetlands are found very close to the equator.
                                          Temprate Zones:
Last but not least is the temprate zone it has average tempatures, which ranges having warm summers and cold winters. It is located midway between north and south poles this is somewhat closer to the winters and summers found in Edmonton.

         Above is a temprate wetland.

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